Planet Jedimoose Comments

July 07, 2008


June 29, 2008


Comment on Projects that need finished this year by junk

1:- Instead of iFolder use all file shares supported apple windows & linux, can use software raid hardware raid, runs rsync for backups, runs from compact flash 128MB with adapter on any old dog of af a machine, can be a slim serverfor your music collection , plus loads more stuff.
2:- Leave yourself with smoothwall 2.0 it may be old but its very stable try 3 & you’ll get headaches.
3:- As cleggton says use a Hauppage media MVP and run mvpmc for your mythtv frontend it also has a client for slimserver so you can listen to music from your freenas box as for looks use the themes… latest nightly builds are quite stable:-) I have 3 of these & they rarely miss a beat.

by junk at June 29, 2008 06:58 PM

June 26, 2008


Comment on HP and their expired cartridges by Noelinho

Now I’ve known for ages that HP do that, but I hadn’t thought that you could get round it by removing an internal battery. Clever.

You’d have thought they’d have thought about it more and used the document timestamp or something. Maybe I should sell them that idea…

by Noelinho at June 26, 2008 11:37 AM

June 19, 2008


Comment on Firefox 3.0 by mrben

Give the new address bar a little while, and I think you’ll like it. I wouldn’t want to live without it now.

I’ll give you an example. Say you know you’d read a review of something earlier in the day, but couldn’t remember which website it was on. Just type the name of the thing, and it will find it for you. Brilliant!

by mrben at June 19, 2008 09:03 AM

June 13, 2008


Comment on Back…again by mrben

Welcome back, Cheezmeister!

If you’re wanting to learn to code, then Python is the place to start (and finish) IMHO. And if you’re wanting to play with the Guitar Hero toy, it’s probably just a USB joystick, like the Buzz! controllers that I worked with before.

by mrben at June 13, 2008 09:39 AM

June 12, 2008


June 11, 2008


Comment on Before you die, live! by mrBen

Yeah - the theme is a bit broken in places. I’ve been thinking about it for a while. It will be fixed “At Some Point”(TM) but at the moment I have a couple of other projects on the go ;)

by mrBen at June 11, 2008 08:02 AM

June 10, 2008


Comment on Before you die, live! by Fiery Fred

Any plans for getting the ‘Moose sorted? A lot of the right hand menu bar looks broken.
As a slight aside, I’ve not sent you the stuff I recorded on Sunday since it was very noisy. It may be a dodgy lead or the laptop may not be up to it. We’ll just have to give it another go this Sunday

by Fiery Fred at June 10, 2008 10:02 PM

June 04, 2008


Comment on Leafy greeny zingyness! by mrsBen

Hey, Thanks! Hope all is well in the northern isles!

by mrsBen at June 04, 2008 06:41 PM


Comment on It’s Official by Noelinho

I may be able to come down this year, though if I do, it’ll likely only be the Saturday.

by Noelinho at June 04, 2008 10:50 AM

Guy Incognito

Comment on The Cheezy Update II by moose pegs

[…] Update II… wont upliadeven hough theyre j-pegsbut that wont stop me,im sure i can get it to … news - May 14, 2008 - Fort Mills TimesThe Fort Mill moose Lodge 1240 is a nonprofit family […]

by moose pegs at June 04, 2008 02:50 AM

June 02, 2008


Comment on Leafy greeny zingyness! by Rhoda

love the web site
love the craft items and comments !

by Rhoda at June 02, 2008 03:18 PM

May 23, 2008


May 20, 2008


Comment on Inoffensive Advocacy by mrBen

Well - it’s a Linux idea, rather than an Ubuntu idea. I just happen to use Ubuntu (and Ubuntu is the current home of the restricted drivers wizard too). The issue of Gnewsense is something I’m saving for another post ;)

by mrBen at May 20, 2008 11:19 AM

Comment on Inoffensive Advocacy by Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér

Would the option of converting MP3 files to Ogg not require an MP3 codec? So what you are suggesting is not a Gnewsense idea, but an Ubuntu idea.

by Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér at May 20, 2008 08:40 AM

May 13, 2008


Comment on Zattoo by Noelinho

Took a look. It seems quite good, and I’m pleased that they’re planning to add play/pause/record in a future release :)

by Noelinho at May 13, 2008 10:51 AM

May 11, 2008


Comment on FoxMarks and others… by Noelinho

Wiki on a Stick and Foxmarks are both great. I have had some problems using Wiki on a Stick on managed desktops, but you can usually get around that by using Portable Firefox :)

by Noelinho at May 11, 2008 10:01 AM

May 10, 2008


Comment on Precious Metal Clay by BigAl


I really like the longer pendants. Keep up the good work!

by BigAl at May 10, 2008 02:13 PM

April 18, 2008


Comment on A brand new rig! by mrBen

So…… does that mean you’ve got some parts going spare?

by mrBen at April 18, 2008 07:47 PM

April 16, 2008


Comment on A brand new rig! by BigAl

Initially, yeah. Vista is certainly not going on it and some flavour of Linux WILL be going on it eventually…

But until I decide exactly what’s happening with it, Win Xp is there for now.

by BigAl at April 16, 2008 10:51 PM

Comment on A brand new rig! by Noelinho

You got a Q6600 and then put XP Pro on it?

I’ve not even seen a 1Gb graphics card, but then I doubt I could afford one either…

by Noelinho at April 16, 2008 01:18 PM

April 15, 2008


Comment on Easter Art Competition by mawakee

Heather, your creativity never ceases to amaze me. this crown is beautiful… xx

by mawakee at April 15, 2008 09:41 PM

April 13, 2008

KungFu Kitten

Heath’s accidental death

As promised the post about Heath’s suicide (I still have my doubts about ’accidental’) has been removed.  To the hilarious person who said that I was a hypocrite…emmm, yeah….well I could probably launch into some rant justifying my choice to see the movie, or I could just say, that despite his life choices, Heath’s acting was all in all pretty good and this would in no way prevent me from seeing The Dark Knight.  Also, he isn’t the only actor in the moive.  I did get a kick out of the comment left, especially since there was no return email.  How very brave you are….whoever you are! Until next time………

by kittycat at April 13, 2008 10:15 PM

April 11, 2008


Comment on Facilitating good support by No'

Cool, but think about i18n, and it becomes madness… Because menu labels and gifs are really not the same from a language to another…
But that’d be nice to have…

by No' at April 11, 2008 07:53 AM

April 07, 2008


Comment on One Higher by The Artist Formally Know as Guy Incognito

So I have been waiting with baited breath for your review of a certain Saturday evening TV show. :P

by The Artist Formally Know as Guy Incognito at April 07, 2008 05:01 PM

Comment on One Higher by Noelinho

Of course, under current rules, provided you watch the programme after the initial broadcast, you don’t need a licence to watch it on iPlayer.

by Noelinho at April 07, 2008 07:54 AM

April 02, 2008


Comment on I love Clarice Bean! by amita

i agree clarice bean is the most phab book I had ever read i just love it
i reed all her books about her

by amita at April 02, 2008 09:52 PM


April 01, 2008


Comment on Happy Birthday Mira by Félim Whiteley

Happy Birthday to the wee lass (Said in best neuro impression possible)…but honestly could you have gotten a more Tartan carpet ! :-P

by Félim Whiteley at April 01, 2008 04:18 PM

March 25, 2008

Guy Incognito

Comment on So long and thanks by Michael

The campaign to save Guy Incognito’s site starts here! Can you not put porn on it or something?

by Michael at March 25, 2008 07:59 PM

Comment on So long and thanks by mrben

Wow…. it’s the end of an era. Sorry you feel that you don’t have anything unique to contribute - I always enjoyed reading your stuff, and will certainly miss it.

Still - you’re part of the Moose family, and will continue to be, whether or not you continue to blog (let’s face it - you’re still a good deal more consistent than Cheezy ;) )

by mrben at March 25, 2008 09:48 AM

Comment on Derren Brown by Macca

Well i agree its not magic but i dont see why that would make it any less of a show, the fact he can pick up the day in which a stranger was born and their star sign just from them repeatedly saying yes is amazing. Regardless of whether or not anyone can do it if they try hard enough, the fact is that hardly anyone does try hard enough to learn these skills which is why people pay good money to watch these skills performed live.

by Macca at March 25, 2008 12:43 AM

March 20, 2008


March 18, 2008


Comment on Too Damn Early by MadKev

From The Realms of Chaos:
He doesn’t have a missus. He’s elsewhere on the net bleating on about ‘a painful separation’ or some such crap.
And she ain’t no fiscal either. Last I heard she was a Classroom Assistant or something.
Anyone seen the video of his ‘band’? Him and some other bloke being ‘weird’ and mumbling. It’s effing hilarious!
Oh and he’s still ‘playing’ the same bass line he was 20 odd years ago.

by MadKev at March 18, 2008 03:32 PM

March 13, 2008


Comment on CampAdmin - must try harder…. by mrBen

Sadly, I haven’t really touched it. It is, however, in a mostly usable state, if you’re interested. I used it again last summer, without any real problems.

by mrBen at March 13, 2008 11:55 PM

Comment on CampAdmin - must try harder…. by redmistmagpie

did you ever get camp admin developed any further looking for something similar, thanks

by redmistmagpie at March 13, 2008 07:19 PM

March 11, 2008


Comment on If I had time/money/etc by mrBen

Hmmm - I guess it depends on what you’re aiming to do. If it’s to get the cheapest shopping possible, then that’s one thing. If you’re aiming to revitalise the dying local marketplace rather than selling out to major corporations, then that’s another ;)

by mrBen at March 11, 2008 12:50 PM

March 10, 2008


Comment on If I had time/money/etc by David Goodwin

Another (perhaps better) idea would be for a truely independent price comparison site where you place your shopping, and they guarantee to buy your ’stuff’ at the cheapest price.. so one week you might get a sainsbury’s home delivery, and the next Tesco etc etc.

by David Goodwin at March 10, 2008 10:28 PM

March 02, 2008


Comment on Tablets: Das Ist Nicht Gut by Neeru

I know exactly what you mean, I’ve just tried 2 take one now, chopped it in 2 quarters and took it with Ribena so i wouldn’t notice the taste..but still it wouldn’t go down! i just end up drinkin all the ribena with the tablet still left in my mouth. It reallyy upsets because I know it’ll work if I take it .. but I just can’t.

by Neeru at March 02, 2008 10:14 PM

February 27, 2008


Comment on A bit like painting the Forth Road Bridge* by

“No, we’re not ready…”…

“…OK, now we’re ready.”
This year I’m going to attempt to join the annual LugRadio marathon - initiated by mrBen (pictured below) - in the build up to LugRadio Live (the original and best UK version, unless someone wants t…

by at February 27, 2008 09:48 AM


Comment on Earthquake! by Dawn Swap

I live in Huddersfield and was woken up by the tremors. I was dreaming I was ’shaking’ and woke up to find it was real, it didn’t last very long though, no sound either! I looked at the clock and it was about 00.58

by Dawn Swap at February 27, 2008 06:50 AM

Comment on Earthquake! by John Spencer

Felt the quake at 00:56 My first quake at the age of 45 nice one I must say. I live in rossendale lancashire bb46nb

by John Spencer at February 27, 2008 02:06 AM

February 26, 2008


February 25, 2008


Comment on Noelinho CMS Update by Noel’s Personal Space » Blog Archive » Another Noelinho CMS Update

[…] been continuing to use whatever time I can to work on my little CMS project, which I have mentioned before. Just over a month has passed since then, and I have managed to progress a little further, […]

by Noel’s Personal Space » Blog Archive » Another Noelinho CMS Update at February 25, 2008 03:07 PM

February 16, 2008


Comment on Backup Solutions by bigredradio

Bacula is a decent opensource solution that can also backup windows (IIRC). Transparency is probably the most difficult thing. I was looking into unison the other day and it looked good.

If you are good with the shell and can set up shares for the winboxen, then create a script that smbmounts to a temp dir, back it up with tar, umount it and move on to the next client. You can even do incrementals by creating a filelist first with find and use mtime based on the last time that client was successfully backed up.

by bigredradio at February 16, 2008 03:59 AM

February 07, 2008


Comment on Making Network Manager forget by mrBen

Hmmm - that’s weird. My problem is more that it remembers settings for networks I’ve connected to, rather than a full scan (thank goodness)

by mrBen at February 07, 2008 06:32 AM

February 06, 2008


Comment on Making Network Manager forget by tumbleweed

gconftool-2 –recursive-unset /system/networking/wireless/networks/ESSID

by tumbleweed at February 06, 2008 10:12 PM

Comment on Making Network Manager forget by Maxo

I experience a similar problem with it not wanting to forget. When I drive home I use my laptop to play my oggs for me as my stereo does not work. When I get home I see every wireless connection from my work to my house listed. It takes it about an hour to forget all the old ESSIDs.

by Maxo at February 06, 2008 08:31 PM


Comment on Create, transform, envision! by Annie

Thank you for posting the pictures and sharing with us. Though I’m not there, I get to feel a part of things.

All the best

by Annie at February 06, 2008 05:13 PM

February 04, 2008


Comment on Making An Autorun CD/DVD by Noelinho

Thanks for that mrBen, I’ll look into it some time. My script does look for more than Firefox: it looks for Opera, Konqueror too, the reference to Firefox was merely that if you do have Firefox installed, then it isn’t always launched with the same command. However, xdg-open does look like a better all-round solution. :)

by Noelinho at February 04, 2008 01:15 PM

Comment on Making An Autorun CD/DVD by mrben

You might want to look into (on the Linux side) ’sensible-browser’ and ‘xdg-open’, which aim to open the default browser chosen by the user, which may not be Firefox….

(I believe xdg-open is the standard, and part of the freedesktop spec, so should work in GNOME, KDE, XFCE at least - you could use your current code as a failover)

by mrben at February 04, 2008 10:47 AM

February 03, 2008


February 02, 2008


February 01, 2008

Guy Incognito

January 29, 2008


Comment on Do you double? by JakeB

@Aq. “I don’t double-click anything ever, because I’ve set Nautilus to use single-click”

Presumably you never use GTK dialogs then? (which happily ignore the setting in Nautilus).

I also hate double-clicking with a passion, and get really frustrated when double-clicking programmers do not cater for click settings because they are too ignorant to be aware of any other click method than their own.

It should also be noted that Microsoft own the patent on double-clicking.

by JakeB at January 29, 2008 03:33 AM

January 28, 2008


January 26, 2008


Comment on Create, transform, envision! by jackie

What a gorgeous photo! Am looking forward to spending time with y'all this weekend and hope to be able to babysit mira at some point in the not too distant future! lol Jackie. xxhe1œÃ@œÃ

by jackie at January 26, 2008 01:35 AM

January 23, 2008


Comment on Backup Solutions by the_angry_angel

For laptop users you could allow them to use offline files, which would make the redirected my docs available :shrug: possibly worth thinking about :)

by the_angry_angel at January 23, 2008 11:17 PM