a� %1?�� F�Z���эh^"))036>���m3����xlhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=3=$�http://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=316#comment-17Comment on Banksy: Wall and Piece by chrissiehttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org.uk/2007/04/02/banksy-wall-and-piece/#comment-959 titleComment on How to buy the perfect Birthday gift by mrsBenhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=312#comment-16207 titledatehttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org.uk/2007/03/23/could-you/#comment-954 date type��aG���tHA:%1?stringhttp:/Comment on The Comic Relief CDs by chrissiehttphttp://guyincognito.stringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=311#comment-16871 id 

You forgot to mention the scantily clad men!! xx

http://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=316#comment-17248 content2007 3 22 18 27 49 3 81 0http://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=311#comment-16871 updated6417632007 3 22 18 27 49 3 81 0http://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=311#comment-16871 updatedI saw all the red circles and touching. Did not spot the 'bikecause'! I suggested yesterday at a 4 year old's party it was worth trying yourself, what's a little manipulation between friends and family? Yes, I know I need help. I'm on chapter 4 by the way.elp. I’m on chapter 4 by the way.

�sh! I hope this view does not mean I cannot be entered into the competition….what is the prize by the way?????

Nice one Mr GI
Chrissie x

ion is...... Sabrina: Boys, Boys, Boys Black Lace: Agadoo Meatload: Bat Out Of Hell (although I'm sure meatloaF actually had a hit with this) Joe Dolce: Shaddup You Face I have to say at this point, that I think the two songs for the "Good stuff" CD are pish! I hope this view does not mean I cannot be entered into the compe��xG0�����OJdatehttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=311#comment-16854 updated type=$�http://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=311#comment-16855 summarystringhttp://guyincognito.jedimYou forgot to mention the scantily clad men!! xxhttp://guyincognito.jeYou forgot to mention the scantily clad men!! xxhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=316#comment-17248 summarystringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=316#comment-17248 order type�v{o+$���bE>stringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoosupdated author title order content link date id_hash summary idhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=314#comment-16950stringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=314#comment-16950 id_hash typestringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=314#comment-16945 summary type=$53ff87fac28562ee9824a0900ec6e6544http://guyincognito.jedimoose.org.uk/2007/04/20/over-sensationalising-in-the-media/#comment-1015 id_hash+

I saw all the red circles and touching. Did not spot the ‘bikecause’! I suggested yesterday at a 4 year old’s party it was worth trying yourself, what’s a little manipulation between friends and family?
Yes, I know I need help. I’m on chapter 4 by the way.

1�he was in, is not neccesarily how you would react in real life. It's more like a dream state, I have had similar dreams where I'm surprisingly calm in quite a horrific situation, or not being able to get anyones attention>One reason why she never touched someone is that her feet were fixed to the ground (as Derren said). This trick was showed in the madame tussauds sketch this series. I imagine the actors where told not to get withing touching distance of her.

I also thin ��f_��jO`WComment on 300 by chrissiehttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=316#comment-17248 titleupdated author title order content link date id_hash summary idhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=311#comment-16871stringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=311#comment-16871 sustringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org.uk/2007/03/23/could-you/#commenstringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org.uk/2007/03/23/could-you/#comment-954 link type ����-&��ohstringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=311#comment-16854 order typehhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=314#comment-16950http://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=314#comment-16950 linkstringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=314#comment-16950 order typechrissiehttp://guyincognito.jedimoo2007 3 29 11 0 47 3 88 0updatedstringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=311#comment-16855 author type �����C<��>7stringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=311#comment-16871 id_hash typehttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=311#comment-16872http://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=311#comment-16872 idststringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=314#comment-16950 id typestringtitle typehttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=So why is the suicstring$�@J�stringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org.uk/2007/08/11/a-bill-to-break-the-bank/#cstring$�@>� ��un����=6JCstringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=311#comment-16871 author typeupdated author title order costringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=314#comment-16950 link typestringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=311#comment-16871 author typeupdated author title order content link date id_hash summary stringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=314#comment-16950 link typestringhttp://guyincognito.jedimoose.org/?p=311#comment-16871 author type *�I have to admit I have been fascinated by the whole media reporting of the events. Newspapers, television and the internet are all eager to give their opinions on the reasons that the murderer did it. I watched Fox news and a 'security expert' stated: 'The 21 stone girl in the corner no-one wants to talk about is why Virginia Tech banned students from carrying guns?' Only in the USA could someone with years of experience in the security industry suggest that more guns on a campus w�Hmmmm, I've also heard mixed reviews, and the fact that Sin City was a serious disappointment for me, I have my reservations. However, on that review, I may make a stop off to see it! Ah thanku! :)hanku! :)

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